Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Welcome.. To My (Sort Of) Bucket List

The Subject:

I'm not one of those people who makes lists entitled, The Top 100 Things I MUST Do Before I Die or even The Top 10 Places I Want to See in My Life. I makes lists of things I need to do by the end of the week. They usually go something like this: laundry, bank, GYM, memorize lines, do dishes, GO TO THE GYM, send birthday card, SERIOUSLY WHY ARE YOU STILL MAKING THIS LIST AND NOT AT THE GYM. And even then most of these things don't get done. I stick post-its notes of reminders everywhere and just hope I get to most of them by the end of the week.

The Impetus:

Today I came home to find a package waiting from my aunt. It contained a few fun odds and ends, including a book entitled What Every Woman Should Do Once. It's just one of those little books that they sell at the check out at places like Barnes and Noble. So I opened it. And I flipped through. And I laughed at some of the suggestions, fervently agreed with some of the suggestions, and WISHED I had the guts for some of them. And that got me thinking...

The Mission:

What if I tried to complete all 65 items by the end of the year? I'm young. I'm single, I'm ready for action. So that's my new plan. 65 "To Dos" in 365 Days. You think I won't give my autograph to someone famous? Go ahead and watch me. Or... you know, at least read about it afterwards.

- Amerikan Girl

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